OTSEM is a network of Old Testament scholars connected to PhD programs in a number of Northern European university institutions (see below). The object of the network is to improve the environment for Hebrew Bible / Old Testament research, especially doctoral and post doctoral research, by inspiring contact and cooperation between members and departments throughout the network. We usually meet once a year for our Annual Meeting in which younger scholars present their work and receive feedback.
As a network we have gone through several phases of co-operation and growth. In the “pre-OTSEM” period before 2004 there were some ten years of bilateral and trilateral cooperations. During the OTSEM-1 period, 2004 – 2008 funded by the research council of the Nordic Ministry, the network grew and in the end included scholars at eleven university institutions. In the present OTSEM-2 phase, the network keeps growing.
List of all OTSEM institutions
Dr. Anne Katrine de Hemmer-Gudme
Professor for Biblical Exegesis
University of Oslo
Local Contacts:
Assoc. Prof. Elisa Uusimäki, Aarhus
Prof. Antti Laato, Åbo
Prof. Nathan MacDonald, Cambridge
Asst. Prof. Frederik Poulsen, Copenhagen
Dr. Anja Klein, Edinburgh
PhD candidate Miriam Uetrech, Göttingen
Prof. Reinhard G. Kratz, Göttingen
Prof. Corinna Körting, Hamburg
Prof. Martti Nissinen, Helsinki
Prof. Christoph Berner, Kiel
Prof. Paul Joyce, London
Senior Lecturer Ola Wikander, Lund
Prof. Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme, Oslo
Prof. Kristin Joachimsen, Oslo (MF)
Prof. Hindy Najman, Oxford
Prof. Gunnlaugur Jónsson, Reykjavík
ASS Prof Tina Dykesteen Nilsen, Stavanger
ASS Prof. Urmas Nommik, Tartu
ASS. Prof. Mikael Larsson, Uppsala, Uppsala
Gillan Glass, Aarhus (Post-Docs)
Alexiana Fry, Copenhagen (Post-Docs)
Natasha Jesson, Kings College London (PhDs)
Luis Quinones-Roman, University of Edinburgh (PhDs)